7 Ways to Get Out of a Funk and Back On Track!

I think we all experience, at some point and in different intensities and duration, some sort of funk that gets in the way of our normal routine and behaviour, right? That weird feeling that messes with our productivity, good habits and/or healthy routine and that we just can’t shake off. If, at some point in your week, month or year you feel like not being able to focus, you find yourself sabotaging your diet, you can’t find motivation to get things done, you feel uninspired…keep reading because the tips I’m sharing today might help you regain control!

Stress, anxiety, odd vibes, they all can be the cause of a funk, and if you ever feel that for some reason you are not your normal self, here’s a list of tips that hopefully will help you get back on track. They have worked for me, so, even though I hope you never need to put them to good use, I hope that they can help you if you too have fallen off the right path.

First of all, you need to acknowledge that something is off as being able to recognize something is not normal is just the first step to fix the situation. Once you identify the state of mind in which you are in, take a conscious break to step back for a moment and repeat to yourself that whatever is going on can be fixed if you put your mind to it. I find that the more you repeat and reassure yourself that you can get back on track and snap out of it, the more confidence you gain to do so.

Here are some tried and tested tips I find useful whenever I feel like I’m stuck, in a funk, or just uninspired:

1. Recognize the problem and use reassuring and positive statements to motivate you to get back on track. While it’s ok to recognize negative feelings or emotions, letting them run you is certainly NOT. Use them to guide you instead 😉

2. Deep breathing can reduce stress, clear your mind and help you hit that reset button so take a couple of deep breaths and focus on it. While doing so, think about what you can do to change your current state of mind.

3. While finding the cause is key to understanding your current state of mind, I particularly try not to focus too much on it until I have found the way to get out of the funk. Why? I believe that I’m in a better position to deal with it once I’m back to my normal self and when there’s nothing blurring my mind. Remember, you need to get yourself back on track, once back, you’ll have it in you to deal with whatever is causing the stress.

3. Meditate. There are some apps that can help you meditate if you don’t know how but I find that even taking a moment to sit down, close your eyes, relax and breathe, helps canalize your energy.

4. Go out for a walk. Being outdoors, taking in the sunshine, seeing nature…it all can be inspiring and reenergizing, plus, sometimes a quick change of scenery is all we need to change our state of mind.

5. Break a sweat! Whether you prefer a yoga class, a run, or a vigorous workout, there’s nothing like a good dose of endorphins to bring you back to your normal self. I’ve always said that working out is like therapy, so whenever you feel down, remind yourself how good you feel after a workout, head out the door and work those issues with a good sweat.

6. Meet with a friend. Sometimes a good chat can lift your spirits and help you realign yourself, so don’t be afraid to reach out and tell a friend you need them.

7. Find the small things that make you happy and keep them around you. Flowers do the trick to me, so if I don’t have any around, I go pick some up and have them around me. The pretty sight of fresh blooms can have a positive impact on your mood!

Outfit Details: Miu Miu Sunglasses (sold here and here for half the price) | Sundry x SoulCycle Open Back Tank (gifted) | Lululemon Wunder Under w/ Soul Leggings (gifted) | Old Navy Denim Jacket from last year (this one and this one are identical except for the buttons, also looove the wash of this one) | Gifted Nike Air Max Thea Sneakers (super comfy, they come in blush, and this cool grey/beige colour too)
