My life File: Toronto Countdown

How was your weekend? Sorry I left you without some Happy weekend wishes, I didn’t have time to get around the post, so I hope you had a good one! We not only had quite a lovely weekend, we had an amazing week! Starting with…..officially getting out itinerary for our trip! For the last weeks months we’ve been kind of ignored around here, as if we were just going to change our mind and agree to stay longer. There was a lot of pressure to extend our stay, so I’m glad that our “Ben” accepted the fact that we’re leaving (or is he just making us believe that?). The fact that I won’t have to swim to Auckland is a big relief 😉

Secondly, when I thought that my day couldn’t get any better, I checked the mail and Surprise!! Big box from the mother-in-law (I know, she’s the best). I got some stuff I had ordered some time ago, some long sleeve tees for Matthew (which has been a nightmare to find this time of year!), and of course, some spoiling for my little man in the form of a toy car (his favorite thing right now). Even Matthew’s favorite girl got some stuff 😉

What else? oh yes, there was fresh basil at the store on Sunday, which took my homemade veggie pizza to the next level, can’t wait for the moment to eat some fresh foods again! Yes, we’re already dreaming about all the things we would like to do (and eat) when we get home. Which also reminds me to address something (in case I’ve been giving the wrong impression): Even though we’re counting our days here, it doesn’t mean that we’re not enjoying every single minute, quite the opposite, I enjoy every second  (especially those I spend with my little one, he really brightens my day). I consider myself very fortunate for what we’ve been given so far, and there’s not a day that passes without me giving thanks for it. Even though this project has taken us away from our family and friends for almost 4 years, we are tremendously grateful for the opportunity to travel to places we never thought we would even visit, meet amazing people, and experience such different cultures. Traveling opens your mind in a way nothing else can, so the fact that we’ve had the chance to travel so much in these past couple of years to the most remote places has been amazing.

Ok, this is getting long! Here’s a sneak peek into that mail box 😉

 The vest made it to The Island! Though to be honest, is much more brighter than what it looks on the site, maybe a couple of washes will tone it down a little bit.
Finally! I bought this watch aaaaages ago! It’s so much nicer in person, and how cute is the packaging? Very happy about it!
Not the color I would usually wear, but thought that this combo was far more interesting than the other two. Fits very nicely, I’m sure I’ll use it a lot!