Ok, so I’m done with step one of this makeover: painting the walls. And I have to say that I LOVE it! I wish I could change that mirror because a brass framed mirror would look absolutely stunning. I’m seriously loving this black, I went with Benjamin Moore Twilight
Zone; and now I’m debating whether or not I should paint the cabinet doors
white or black? Someone suggested (wish she left her name!) not to paint the cabinet right away and wait, but now with the walls all black I feel like it has to be painted, the question is white or black? Help!
Something I’m not loving (at all) is the floor, perhaps a big light colored rug will help? That’s the plan so far, but any ideas are welcomed! Here are more snaps of the walls:
I can’t wait until all the frames (with their art) are up, they are going to pop so beautifully! Let’s pretend that this is how is going to look (without the art)and with some frames I found online from Chapters, and Ikea (that’s not me!) 😉
Very cool right? I love it. Annnd while looking for some affordable pieces, I came across some real beauties on Society 6, wish I could get them all!!
Make sure you follow the rest of the ladies participating: