Decor & Interiors File: One Room Challenge – Week 3

Ok people! I made some progress, little, but still, progress. First, I received some prints I ordered for the gallery wall, yay!! And there are more on their way! I also received the brass hardware from Rejuvenation, which is  plain stunning, looooving it so much! Looks amazing against the black walls. Still have to get the cabinet pulls on, I’m deciding if I want them vertically in the middle, or horizontally at the top (I’m leaning towards the latter).

What else? oh yes, I painted the cabinet, I went with white and I think it was a good choice. I considered all of your suggestions, but at the end I thought that going simple was the best option to let the gallery wall steal the show. What do you think?

Next up, I’m going to do something about that mirror. I’m not taking it down, but I have an idea to hopefully make it look better, wish me luck! Also need to find some new sconces.

PS: I added the ORC button on the right so that you can track the progress more easily 😉

 That floor really bothers me, wish I could wake up to white basket-weave tiles!

What do you all think about this rug in here? Maybe I should wait until the frames are up, right?
