DIY file: Painted Mason Jars

Remember when I said I was totally going to make this DIY by Liz from Say Yes to Hoboken? Well, with my niece’s baptism last Sunday, I thought it was the perfect occasion to make it happen to help with the decor 😉

Instead of milk bottles, like Liz’s diy, I opted for mason jars that I got at Michaels, but I did go with peonies because that’s exactly what my sister in law wanted for the decor, plus, aren’t peonies the prettiest? 😉 Well, this couldn’t have been any easier, I swear, if you can hold a paint brush in your hand you can do this! There’s no need to be super crafty! Here’s what I did:

The jars, before

 Materials needed

Step 1 – Tape them

 Apply several coats ( I applied 3 or 4) but make sure to wait around 20 min or so between them

In the making

The result! 
