Etsy File: New Photos on The Vault Files Shop

Happy Monday everyone! How was your weekend? I didn’t have the best race on Saturday, and I spent the whole day trying to figure out what I did wrong, and I just don’t understand. So, just like my mom told me over the weekend, even tennis players at Wimbledon have bad days (haha!), so I’m just going to put it behind me and focus on the next one, which is 5 weeks from now. Maybe I’ll go for a half-marathon this time 😉 Ohh and guess what? I lost my Oakley sunglasses (like it couldn’t have gotten any worse right?) and yesterday they e-mailed me to tell me they found them! I’m on my way to get them!

Anyway, today I have exciting news! I want to share with you a little project I’ve been working on for weeks. A couple of weeks ago I kind of had an epiphany: I asked myself “why not combine two of your favorite things?” I enjoy photography so much and love love love flowers (who doesn’t, really?) so, I decided to focus my time on something I really enjoy and something I feel really passionate about: photographing flowers. Below you can see some of the ones already available on my etsy shop, but I still have lots of new ones to add, so check back often 😉
