Food File: 12 Healthy Cookbooks to Kick-Start The New Year

Anyone else had way too much sugar over the Holidays? I seriously need some kind of detox and a fresh start, a reset button of some sort and one thing that inspires me to get back on track is healthy cookbooks and recipes. Nothing like new and fresh recipes to motivate you to experiment in the kitchen and create clean and healthy dishes. I feel that when you plan ahead your meals and have a fridge stocked with healthy ingredients there are less chances to fall off the bandwagon. Take a moment each week to write down what you’re going to eat throughout it, what are you going to snack on, what do you need to prepare in advance and have handy for busy days….these are habits that keep you on track for a healthier you 🙂

Below are 12 cookbooks to inspire you in the kitchen and to kick-start the year in the best possible way. I personally own number 3, 4, 5, and 10 and highly recommend them. While I haven’t gotten number 6 and 9 (yet) I’ve been following their blogs for years and they are two of my very very favourite foodies so I’m confident their books are amazing (I really need to get them!).

* First image by Love & Lemons

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve