Food File: Chocolate Drizzled Peanut Butter Chickpea Cookies

Last year while in Sault Ste. Marie I tried these chickpea cookies that were SO good that as soon as I went back home I started testing out recipes to achieve something similar. After a couple of different try-outs I think I’ve found one that, even though is not as good as those (sadly!), it is pretty good and I think you’ll like it. It doesn’t have much sweetness to it (I thought the dates and the chocolate drizzle was enough), but if you find that it needs a bit of it for your own taste, I’d add in a tablespoon or two of maple syrup, honey, or any sweetener you like. I personally love them as is and they are the perfect smooth little bite for pre/post-workout or as an afternoon snack. The best part? They are vegan, gluten free, and have no added refined sugars, what else could you ask for?

. 1 cup chickpeas.
. 1 cup peanut butter.
. 1/2 cup dates.
. 1/2 cup almond milk (unsweetened).
. 1 tbsp. vanilla extract (have you tried Madagascar vanilla? THE best!).
. 2/3 cups almond flour.
. 1 scoop plant based protein powder (optional).
Drizzle: 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate and a teaspoon of coconut oil.

. Preheat your oven to 350 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
. Heat the peanut butter in the microwave for 40 seconds (this makes it softer and smoother).
. In a food processor combine chickpeas, peanut butter, dates, almond milk and vanilla extract until smooth.
. Remove from food processor and add in almond flour and protein powder. Combine.
. Using your hands or a spoon, shape the cookies into circular shapes and place on baking tray.
. Bake for about 12 minutes or until golden on the bottom.
. Make the chocolate drizzle by warming up the chocolate and coconut oil together. Mix weel and using a spoon drizzle over the cookies.
. Let cool and enjoy!

NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION:  Calories 171 | Total Fat 10.2g | Sat Fat 1.2g | Total carbohydrate 15g | Dietary Fibre 4.4g | Sugar 5g | Protein 7.4g