Happy Weekend!

This weekend is Thanksgiving here in Canada and the weather forecast is SO nice (boo for not being able to wear my coat and boots ;)) that we are planing on doing a picnic at the Toronto Island. Hope you have a great one and if you are in Canada, Happy Thanksgiving to you! Don’t forget about:

> Nails that will creep you out!
> This is insane, and one of the reasons why the world is so fucked up!
> Shades of green
> An easy DIY calendar (plus a gorgeous home office)
> Tape + paint + rug = this gorgeousness
> No more trouble figuring how much

Lastly, it would be so ungrateful not to even acknowledge on the blog the passing of one of the most brilliant minds of our era, Steve Jobs. I have never been an Apple mega fan (as much as my brothers and dad) but for some reason (second handed products, gifts and mere serendipity) I look around and find on my hand all sort of Apple products which I use every single day.
His legacy is just the beginning of what men are capable of. Rest in Peace.
