A little late Friday post (had issues with my internet last night), but here it is!! Wishing you all a great weekend and a happy Father’s Day if you’re able to spend it with your dads 🙂 Here a couple of links, see you on Monday!
. Lots and lots of good things on sale at Madewell (there’s extra 20% off until Monday). I’m eyeing this, this, and this 😉 Annnd if you’re looking for a perfect white summer dress, there are a ton of cute ones on sale (here, here and here)
. I really want to make a version of these, they look so good!
. Loeffler Randall also has a big sale going on, not many sizes left, but still worth checking out 😉
. Are you tired all the time? 14 reasons why you probably are. Get at it and fix it!
. 8 healthy dishes for less than $10
. Sole Society is also having a sale, and it’s big, sandals are 60% off! Pick up sandals for summer for just $20 😉 (love these and these classic ones)
. 10 thinking errors that hold you back
. Do you believe in Superstitions? 21 food superstitions, just for fun 😉
. Want to be more productive? Read this. (I personally don’t agree that number 9 is boring 😉 )