Happy Weekend!

Well my friends, I haven’t done a links round-up in a long time, and here are a couple of things I wanted to share with all of you. Perhaps you’ll like to go through them over the weekend? I hope you have a wonderful one (long for us yippee!!)

ONE: Melting flowers
TWO: Every beet of my heart.  Via Black Eiffel
THREE: What they wore to meet Anna (interesting)
FOUR: How cool are these photographs? Via Design Crush
FIVE: Can you believe the colors of this lagoon? I had no idea there was such thing as a pink lagoon!
SIX: This skirt! (scroll down) Sad about the price tag, because it is perrrrfect!
SEVEN: You have to see this kids room! I imagine that Wes Anderson grew up in a room like that 😉
EIGHT: I couldn’t agree more with the theme of their party (a pretty cool party I have to say)
NINE: You have to watch this, phenomenal!
