Happy Weekend & Feedly

Well, I hope you all had a great week! It’s a long weekend here and I have a few projects lined up that need to happen, so besides my training plans, I think I’ll be crafting a little bit 🙂

ONE: A great round-up of sunglasses for your specific face shape / TWO: Loved this DIY so much that I’m going for it this weekend, maybe with mason jars! THREE: I have a feeling that this collection from Club Monaco is going to be gooood 😉 / FOUR: I rounded-up tassels and Pom Poms on Mimosa Lane /  FIVE: So sweet! / SIX: Shared a simple system that keeps me organized in the bathroom / SEVEN: How gorgeous is this rug? / EIGHT: The most delicate tart I’ve seen in a while / NINE: These are made from scribbles, just scribbles! 

On a different note, as most of you know, starting Monday you won’t be able to use Google Reader, so if you still haven’t made the switch to something else, I suggest you do so quickly, otherwise you’ll loose record of all the blogs you follow! I personally love Feedly, I imported all my reader blogs in one click and I looove how organized it is (I’m including a peek into mine so you can get an idea). The only downside: it seems that mine hasn’t synchronized completely as I’m positive I don’t have 999+ unread posts! Perhaps it’s just a glitch?

And if you have an iPad I highly recommend REEDER, though now that Google Reader is going away, it looks like a new version is going to be developed, so just be on the lookout, because it supports feedly and it’s way easier on the eye than reading blogs on the computer (I’ve been using it for over a year)  😉

You can also follow your favorite blogs on Bloglovin, and to follow TVF just click here 😉

You can organize the blogs you follow by categories you can create (see left column)

And then go into each category separately -You can also choose your favorite view (titles, magazine, squares, or full article)

And once into the post, you can pin and tweet directly from it!
