Life File: Two Sweat Proof Running Hairstyles

How do you like your hair when you’re working out? Do you go for 100% practicality and efficiency or do you like to add a bit of cuteness to it? To me, there’s nothing worst than having to worry about getting your hair in the face while you work out. Having to stop to fix a ponytail, strands that get in the way…those are not the things I want to think about when I go for a run or do a workout, and I’m sure I talk for the most of you, right? 
I feel like sporting a cute hairstyle has a similar effect to getting your nails done, it definitely gives you a boost, and when you are able to combine practicality and style in one then the result is pretty awesome. As a Virgo girl, I always go for practicality, but if I can add a layer of cuteness why not? Here are two great sweat proof hairstyles by my sweet friend Aylin to inspire you to take that extra step. For steps and instructions to do these go here and for more amazing running or workout hairstyles go here 😉