Life File: Weekend Reads and Finds

Happy weekend everyone, I hope your Saturday is off to a great start! With the amazing weather forecast for this weekend you bet we’ll be exploring around the mountains, so stay tuned for more beautiful photos from British Columbia 🙂 I’ll be heading back home on Monday so I’ll be trying to get the most out of my last hours here, meaning I’m not so sure how active I’ll be on Instagram, but don’t worry, I’ll play catch up and share with you everything we do next week!

Hope you all have an amazing weekend and get to enjoy the Spring-like weather!

. 10 small habits that have a huge return on life.
. All you need is 2 dumbbells and this 30-minute workout to get lean at home.
5 physical signs you’re way too stressed out and need to take a breather.
. 8 couples activities that are scientifically proven to improve relationships.
. These are the 9 best skincare items from Amazon recommended by someone who tests products for work.
. This superfood soup will boost your immunity and is a breeze to make.
. 6 low-carb foods you can eat non-stop and actually lose weight, according to nutritionists.
. 25 brilliant kitchen shortcuts you’ll wish you knew sooner.

. Statement earrings that are quite fitting for Summer.
. How cute are these for Spring?
. Great cover-up for Summer or any beach getaway 😉
. I’ll take this in blush, please and thank you.
. Really digging this bikini set (top and bottom).
. These look like the perfect weekend pants!
. What a beautiful dress!
