My life file: 2010 recap

The first thing that came to my mind this morning about 2011 was how amazing and great was 2010. I don’t think there is anything that can top the birth of my baby boy Matthew, so sorry if this post is mostly about him OK?

The top 10 events on 2010 for me were: 1. Matthew’s birth. 2. Moving back to Toronto after a year and half living in South East Asia. 3. Buying our first condo. 4. Lots of family visits: mom, dad, brother Alejandro and wife Karen, brother Alberto, brother in law, and parents in law. 5. Having my mom to help me out with Matthew for almost 3 months! 6. Matthew’s baptism.  7. Our trip to Florida and New York to visit my very best friend  Tere. 8. The birth of my nephew Diego. 9. Our dearest friends Daan and Sarah having a baby girl: Ava. 10. Matthew’s first Christmas.
