My life file: Flower arrangement workshop

Happy Monday! Hope you had a lovely weekend! I had a great time running on Saturday, so fun being back at trail running! Because I did a Marathon relay, it was a loooooong day (the race was up north almost 2 hours from the city), and I ended up being the last one to run (out of 4 of us) at 3pm or so. Then right after I finished, one of my dear friends hosted a bbq at her place in Oakville, so it was a day packed with activities!

I want to start the week with this re-cap from a flower arrangement workshop organized by Pink the Town and Sweet Woodruff I did a couple of weeks ago with Jenny. You guys know that I’m in for anything that has to do with flowers, so obviously when Jenny told me about it I immediately signed up for it. It was held at a local shop here in Toronto called Bicyclette, which I have never been to before, and wow, let me tell you, I’ve been totally missing out because they have some pretty amazing pieces. Between the flowers and the clothing I was in complete awe, talk about a girly night 😉

We created our own arrangements with peonies and mini roses and got to take them home (vase included!) I also learned a few things on how to extend the life of your flowers and I compiled them at the end 😉 Hope you enjoy the post!

The secret to perfectly placed flowers: making a tic-tac-toe with tape 😉

I enjoyed my creation for almost a week!
