My life file: Recently & not so recently

Trying on some clothes at The French Connection, can you tell that I’m on a black and white kick?

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty nice, after my run on Saturday, I had such a delicious lunch at my friends’ place…nothing like a super yummy post-run lunch that you didn’t make right? In exchange, because I like to spoil my people, I baked a coconut pound cake that turned out amazing. I highly recommend this recipe, which I carefully followed with one exception: I used 3/4 cups of coconut milk and 1/4 cup of fat free milk instead of 1 cup of milk, just because I didn’t have coconut extract and thought that the cake would need some extra coconut flavor. Oh, I also added some coconut “chips” on top 😉

As I was going through my photos to post today I realized that I never shared any photos from my trip to Miami, so I’m including a few here since I really didn’t take much while I was there 😉

At the beach in Fort Lauderdale

Saturday Outfit: all about black and cream
Afternoon at the beach in Fort Lauderdale
 Bunnies from a field trip with Matthew’s school to a farm

Nothing like walking in the sand!

This view!!
Because you can have both: polka dots on the front / Stripes on the back 🙂