One of my favorite things about the conference last weekend (among meeting and spending time with some fab girls of course!) was definitely The Joule Hotel. I had already visited it last year, so I was really looking forward to staying there again! The attention to detail is superb, and the decor blows your mind, oh and the restaurant (CBD provisions) is amazing! Gabs (my roomie) and I indulged in more than one Kale salad (so good!) there 😉
Here are some snaps, hope you enjoy them!
I’m not a coffee drinker but I could stare at this all day
Details from Traffic at The Joule
Had a major crush on Gabs’s bag!! (Rebecca Minkoff Love Crossbody, Gigi New York iPhone Wallet, Vanessa Bruno Bag, Paul Frank glasses -oldies, Benetit tinted lip blam -latest obsession!)
Great set up at The Joule
Loved this changing colors light fixture behind this sunglasses display
Such a pretty decor idea, don’t you think?