Happy Monday! Wow, what a beautiful weekend we had here, the weather was amazing! The idea of swapping the rugs in the living and dinning room was really getting to me so on Saturday I just went for it, and soooo glad I did! It was quite the hassle, but that never stops me from doing anything 😉
I really like the feel of the space now and how some of the pillows I have on the couch pick up some of the blue from the rug. The plan is to move the rug that was originally there (this one) to my bedroom which I think is going to make it look awesome! In the meantime I placed it in the dinning room, but will move it as soon as I have time to go over the crap (mostly Matthew’s old crib and changing table) that’s been living under my bed (#Embarrasing, #Can’tBelieveIJustSaidThat) 😉
Wishing you all a great week!