After a long hiatus (almost 5 years!?) I’m excited to be back in this space with a new direction. While I really enjoyed blogging full time, for many (many!) months before I decided to hit pause I was struggling to find a balance between my personal life and the “blog” life. I wanted my personal time to be 100% mine and having to turn every outing, outfit, sightseeing, you name it, into content, was getting in the way of being 100% present and that’s definitely not how I want to live my life. Perhaps you could say that my values were not necessarily aligned, hence the struggle.
I was also getting more uncomfortable with the idea of pushing consumerism for the sake of just expanding your closet. Your life expands with experiences not clothes. Of course I love clothes but between sharing how to dress and how to live a life with purpose I most definitely align with the latter. It all starts from the inside and there’s no amount of clothes or high end brands that will give you the confidence that knowing yourself and becoming your best version does. You can’t own a good look if you don’t feel good. And if I can make a difference or influence anyone, I rather help them feel good. I like clothes but I certainly don’t feel passionate about fashion, I feel passionate about nature, the outdoors, living a life full of purpose, movement in any form that supports an active and healthy life, growing mentally and emotionally. Pursuing challenges, making strong connections with like minded individuals. That’s what I live for. If I’m going to promote products or items, I want to promote things that facilitate movement, that facilitate an active lifestyle. Things that will assist experiences and make them run smoother. Because being out there, doing cool stuff, adventuring, either solo or with company, is where you get to know yourself, where you grow as an individual and where you live.
I used to cover many different categories, fashion being the main one, however, going forward the content you will see her will mainly focus on hiking, camping, trail running, and adventures. My hope is that you feel inspired to get moving and to spend your time doing things that add value to your life. I don’t know how often I will be updating this space but if you wish to stick around I hope what you see and read here adds value to your life.