Tips file: On Beauty Products

When it comes to beauty products, I’ve always been “afraid” to try new stuff. I just don’t like the idea of  having a million products half full taking up space, and let’s not forget about the whole wasting your money issue. It’s so frustrating when you fall for something only to realize that it just didn’t work on your skin, you know? Well, lately I’ve been stepping out of my Estee Lauder/Biotherm/Clarins tried-and-true beauty products (been using the same products for yeeeeeeaaaars) to try new things, and I’m happy to report that I’m loving these new-to-me products!

The people from Nerium International kindly sent me a bottle of their serum, Nerium AD, and I have to tell you, being the huge fan of Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair serum I am, I was a little bit hesitant to try it, but after reading what Molly said about it, I went for it. At the beginning I was a little bit worried, because I couldn’t see the benefits (my mom kept asking me about it and I just couldn’t say if I liked it or not); but, after using it every night for almost three weeks, I seriously see and feel that my skin is firmer, and overall it looks better. So for now, I’m sticking to it!

Have you tried anything from Fresh? Ok I think I have a new brand obsession, seriously, this stuff feels fresh, period. This cleanser is amazing and I really want to try one of their masks. The sugar face polish smells soooo good but the benefits of the black tea mask sound too good to pass. I’m saving up, because these are expensive, but they seem to be worth it.

Next is the They’re real Mascara. People, after reading about how great it is from so many people, I didn’t hesitate when I saw it at the drugstore last week, and wow wow wow, one swoosh and you go wow! You’ll see 😉

To be completely honest, I haven’t tried the Smashbox primer yet (I always forget!) but I’m eager to. I received it as a gift and I’m curious to test if it really is going to keep my makeup on on a hot and humid day. It has great reviews, but I’ll keep you posted on my results 😉

Lastly, I’ve been using this moisturizer from Clarins for almost a year and I love it so much! I’m a big fan of Clarins, I think their products do work wonders and this moisturizer leaves my skin hydrated and smooth, and with such a fresh and lovely rose-like smell! I highly recommend it!

There you have it, now tell me, what have you been using lately that works wonders for you?
