Untitled File: Saying goodbye to 2013

2013….wow 2013, you really tested me emotionally, you tested me in trusting in myself, you tested my courage, my strength, and more importantly, my capacity to never forget how lucky I am for this life I’ve lived so far. Never in my life I’ve felt so much at the same time: sadness, guilt, frustration, fear….. it’s been quite a difficult year for me (emotionally speaking), but I sure never lost the ability to be grateful and focus on all the positive things around me. Plus, I believe that my guardian angel put some really amazing people in my path to help me out so I feel blessed.

For me, 2013 was all about courage, and I have made peace with myself and I’m proud for believing in me. I have cried but I never surrendered. I have laughed and I have smiled
when there has been reason to, and there has been a million reasons, so
life is good. There were soooo many great moments in 2013…I really feel very very lucky and there’s no single moment when I’m not absolutely aware of it. I think that once we understand how fortunate we are for just being able to do the ordinary things we do on a daily basis, we seriously become happier selves. So, goodbye 2013, amidst it all, you were good, and I’m taking with me the experiences that made me stronger, happier, and a better self.

* I know some of you have no idea what I’m talking about, more on this soon.

January: Had the amazing opportunity to assist to Alt and meet some pretty awesome people that today I call friends. Came home and shared a lot here, here, here and here.
February: Really liked how these chocolate hearts turned out 😉
March: Made these mouth-watering cookies thanks to my blogging pal Jessica.
April: Had a fantastic weekend in Dallas where I saw “old” friends and met new ones.
May: I think I could say with 100% confidence that 2013 was the year of “embellishments”. It started with these.
June: First race of the year and it went pretty good (definitely happy with finishing 8k in 37 min) 🙂 And, more embellishments.
July: Followed one of my passions: photography and flowers; had fun meeting some TO bloggers at an Anthro fashion show, and loved making these.
August: Was featured in The Luxe Life, and co-hosted an event with Anthro (!!!).
September: Probably Definitely the biggest highlight of the year: NYC during Fashion Week with my friend Jenny. It seriously was amazing! Recaps here, here and here.
October: I said I would run a half and I did! And of course, more embellishments (probably my favorite DIY so far)
November: Felt incredibly honored to participate in the One Room Challenge 🙂
December: Was all about yummy recipes: Churros, Vanillekipferl, and Spitzbuben.

Thank you so much for following along, this blog wouldn’t be the same without all of you! Hope your 2013 was a great one too 😉
