Blog Series: In my Closet

After a great long weekend, today I’m excited to share with you a new series on the blog! Remember when I said that I was going to replace the In my Makeup bag series with another series? Well, I thought that after going inside the makeup bags of some amazing bloggers, it was time to get into their closets!  I think we can learn a lot from other people’s style and fashion advice don’t you? I think this is going to be fun 😉

My stylish friend Lauren from Stylized Existence is the first to trust me with the series (thank you Lauren!!) and I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did!

Describe your personal style:  I am definitely more on the preppy/classic side of things, but with a bit of a twist.  I don’t like dressing in one particular style because it feels contrived.  I like to look put-together but interesting.

Who are your style icons?  I try not to get too wrapped up in trying to emulate or compare to others because we all have unique body shapes and let’s be honest – the things that look good on those who are generally termed as “style icons” probably aren’t going to look the same on me.  The classic dresser in me does appreciate how Blair Eadie from Atlantic Pacific puts outfits together. I also have really been digging Julie Sariñana from Sincerely Jules – her style is so different from mine but I love how her signature silhouette is super-skinny on bottom and big/flowy on top. She nails “effortlessly chic”.

Favorite online retailersPiperlime because shipping and returns are free and they have a huge selection.  Also like Zappos because their shipping is so quick and they have videos of all of the shoes (which I think is more useful than still photography). 

Most treasured item: Probably my Louis Speedy bag in Damier Ebene canvas, because I bought it to celebrate one year in the “working world” when I was 23 and it meant a lot to me (and was a big expense at the time!)

If you could only shop at one shop which one would it be?  J.Crew

How often do you purge your closet? Anytime I feel overwhelmed, which probably is too often 😉  It usually ends up being once every 2 months, probably.  I hate clutter and once I have decided I don’t like something anymore, I MUST get rid of it immediately.

How do you keep your closet organized?  Lots of shoe racks and I hang all of my scarves.  I also use the slim hangers and they honestly do make a lot more space in your closet. I also group similar items so I don’t have to search when I am getting dressed in the morning.

Any personal styling tricks you’d like to share?  Layering is key.  Always try to wear at least three articles of clothing to create a more interesting outfit.  Also, play around with different fabrics and textures.

* Thank you Lauren! 
Style icon looks: Atlantic Pacific / Sincerely Jules
Closet images: Lauren’s own
