DIY File: Color dipped cork placecard holders

Here I have the most simple DIY project ever! While shopping at Michaels for the mason jars, I came across these cork lids and immediately knew what to do with them. Ok, let me be honest, I didn’t just come across them, I was frantically looking for something to do with all those pretty Martha Stewart paints 😉 What do you think? It’s such a simple detail that adds a nice personal touch, don’t you agree? You can use them for a wedding, a birthday party, or just a nice dinner with friends 😉

PS: I used the same measurements as a standard business card for the place cards, and wrote the names with a fine sharpie pen.

This is all you need
Use some tape to mark the area you would like to paint
Make an incision on the top just deep enough to hold the card
 Place them on the plate

Or on the side 😉
